Jule's Top 10 Reasons Why Italy is Fun

(yes, this is a posting from Julia Rizzardo)

10. The locals in any city we visit love to pronounce our name and they say it with such flair! ....like "Ritzardo"!

9. You need a degree to find the special characters on the computer keyboard

8. There is suspense in every WC...what kind of toilet flushing device will be installed this time and how does one use it?

7. Old music is popular again!

6. Every store has Fanta!

5. You can park and drive wherever you please.
this one is long so I need 5a, 5b and 5c. Please take note or attenzione!
5a - Pedestrian sidewalks, painted crosswalks and cafe entrances are all available for your driving and parking pleasure.
5b - Dont worry about a ticket from the polizia, they are leading by example
5c - Multi directional parking is the latest fad

4. Arguing can be fun in Italian when you only know select words.

3. If you forget the correct Italian word, it is ok, just put a vowel or something on the end of the word and use your hands to describe the shape of the item or direction of the place you are trying to find (this works well for every language, actually!)

2. Listening to shop owners and engineers argue in Italian over how to repair a broken gas line at 2 am.

And, the number one reason Italy is fun??

1. Cars first, mopeds second, pigeons third, pedestrians never


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