Napoli, Pompeii, e Sorrento

Today we left Rome behind and traveled 3 hours south to the beautiful Italian coastline. Our first stop was Naples. Thank GOD we never got off the bus other than a few random picture spots. Naples is straight GHETTO... its like Oaktown 357. We got stuck in a traffic jam because of some giant Ukrainian flea market. I'm not kidding.

We toured the highlights of Napoli on the bus and set off to Pompeii... about 20 minutes away.
First we were jammed through some stupid tour so we could buy overpriced thanks.... But then we sat down to a very nice lunch.. Primi was either pasta or zuppa, Secondi was either pork chop or fish (yuck) with potato.. and for DULCE.. we got gelato.
The 2 hour tour of Pompeii was next. We saw so much. The city of Pompeii was huge! I never realized how big a city it was. It was estimated that 20000 people lived there. We saw the brothel, the bars, the houses, everything. You really get an idea for how Roman life Pompeii.

Next we took the bus to Sorrento along the famous Amalfi coastline. How gorgeous! Unfortunately, we only had about 30 minutes there - but we made the most of it by shopping and getting some LIMONCELLO drink! Mmmmm.
The area is very pretty.. much more so than our own central coast. The streets are tiny.. the bus barely fit. I tell you, these Italians really know how to drive.

It was a very long day.. .up by 5:30am and back at 9pm.. so we are all relaxing tonight and excited for our Vatican visit tomorrow. The troops are haning in well. I'm made them do back to back to back death marches and they are all haning in there. As I mentioned, the weather has been great, but I think we are in for a change. Oh well.
The hotel has also been a nice find. Very courteous staff and cozy rooms. Now, if we can only figure out dinner!

We are sending out a few postcards from the Vatican, so some of you should be getting some soon. Need to buy more so the rest of you can get a card.

By the way, I understand Oklahoma State is in the Final Four.. so that needs to keep going so I can win the $$$ from the pool.



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