Jule's post-script....The day after returning from Italy

A few excerpts from the wicked Italian book we bought and should have used during our trip...

You Can Win at Hotel Negotiation:
"Allora dormiamo nella lobby" - Then we will sleep in the lobby
"Mi chiami un taxi" - Get me a taxi

Ending Taxi Terror
"Rallenti, per favore" - Please slow down!
"Se non rallenta, vomito" - If you don't slow down, I'll barf
"Vorrei andare alla stazione, non vada in orbita" - I'd like to go to the train station, not into orbit

Understanding your Taxi Fare
The amount shown on the taxi meter is always less than you end up paying, as we found out. The wicked italian book also confirms this suspicion, with a helpful explanation, "The calculation is based upon a formula p squared + h/2 + t +(s-10k)/x
p represents the number of passengers
h is the number of bags
t is the number of hours past 8 pm
s is the cost of your shoes in lire
k is your weight in kg
x is an unknown factor to be determined at the taxi driver's discretion


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