Ubi-won Update

Ubi-won has perked up a bit. She still shows no real Jedi potential, but after those flashy dance moves the other night, we view her in a different light altogether. Perhaps more of a slave dance to Jabba - but we are not sure if she has been to Tattoine.

She does continue to bring Alyssa a high chair instead of a booster seat and now brings two trays for the one high chair which really baffles us since we don't even use the one provided. So Jedi are usually profiled at wise. Can a Jedi be dumb? I mean, Ubi-won isn't dumb so much as confused. Jedi can be confused.. certainly those not a Jedi yet can be confused. Hell, I'm confused and I am but an engineer -who, by the way, were grossly under-represented in the entire Star Wars saga.

I digress...


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