Saluti da Cavaso Del Tomba!

Well, actually we are sitting in the Veince airport. Rosie's flight is due to arrive in about 15 minutes, so we had a chance to make a quick posting. If you ever fly into Italy, come to Venice.. the airport seems smaller than Sac Intergalactic.

Anyway, we have been in Cavaso since Thursday, but there is not one computer in that town, so we have not posted. So far we have seen so many cousins.
Zio Angelo ( we disrupted his viewing of Palm Sunday mass on the TV, but he didnt mind)
Nico, Elisa, Luca, Ivana, and kids
Beppe, Elida, Giannino, Luigi, Carmen and kids
Anton and family
Nica, Elio, Fabio and Marghe
Ada and family
Bianca (Sartor) and family
Giovanni Rizzardo son of one of my grandpa's brothers.
Tomorrow we meet Germano Rizzardo and go up Mt. Grappa

We've been to Bassano and the bridge of the Alpini, a grappa factory.
We went to Marostica and saw the human sized chess board and the two castles.
We've been to a few public markets. Jule is excited because she bought a hip new red vest (the puffy quilted kind are big big big time in style here) and a new belt.
Its been kinda foggy or overcast here. But warm enough.
The house kinda sucks, but its working. The bathroom needs major repair and the only source of heat is the fireplace.
That would be fine except either the pieces of wood are tiny or that the firewood doesn't seem to kick out heat.

All is well. We are having a great time and all the pounds that we walked off in Rome and Milan have been gained back (and more) because each cousin demands to stuff you to no end with food, wine, grappa, coffee, more food, dolce, more food, some more wine, too much wine, lotsa wine, a sip of brandy, a sip of Sambucco in the coffee, a bit more wine, etc etc.
We are having so much fun.. a few tears shed with relatives we probably wont see again, but its a good time.
Gotta go, Rosie arrives here in a minute or two.

We'll no post again until Venice on Thursday - I already scouted out a few internet cafés near our hotels.
Also saw that the Lakers passed the Kings. %$/=£)($=)£/%=£/$=)(£$)/£=(=)%/=)£(=!!!!!!
In Italian that means screw it.



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