T minus 4 days or is it 5 days, or is it 8 days

 June 5, 2023

Just under 6 years since my last post as Alyssa and I plus my sister and my niece were leaving Gothia Cup in Sweden for our journey back home.

6 years ago!  Wow.   It was a flood year then too.   It is again this year.

T-minus 4 days - that's when Alyssa graduates from Lincoln High School (and Maria finishes her Freshman year at Twelve Bridges HS).   4 days until I become a parent of a college student.  4 days until a gathering of family occurs that hasn't occurred most likely since Jule and I got married nearly 23 years ago.   4 days.   

T-minus 5 days - somehow we'll have to pull it together and host a graduation party for an unknown number of guests.   "Don't put an RSVP on there" I said.   "It's casual, drop in/drop out" I convinced Jule.   She probably knew better but one thing I love about my wife, she lets me stumble down the path of idiocrasy as often as I like.  So yep, we're hosting a BIG grad party in 5 days and we have no clue how man people are actually coming.   We can either have a shit-ton of leftovers or be walking around scrambling for anything to serve like our guests are kids at Halloween and our candy bowl has gone dry and we really don't want to be tee-pee'd later.   That kind of awkward worries me.   So, maybe I should have required an RSVP.   Ah well.   Not going to stress because....

T-minus 8 days - and the RizzFam hops on a few planes and some 12+ hours later we arrive in Geneva, Switzerland.  8 days.   In between then and now?   3 more days of Flood Ops Center Director, 1 more grad party to attend for our neighbor's daughter, 2 volunteer shifts helping set up Sober Grad Nite, one hair cut, one van to wash, one house to clean and decorate, and one take out dinner before...  T-minus 4 days.

Anyway, this was really just an excuse to make a test post because, well it has been 6 years!  That was a flood year too, by the way.  It is again this year, but in T-minus 4 days....

Hope you can follow along once I get to Europe.   Maybe I'll sneak in some of the T-minus 4 days and T-minus 5 days photos too.   If I can remember how to do that.


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