Scenes from Normandy

Shorter Post today as we are off to a full day in Paris to see what we can see and probably also get smushed and pushed and grabbed and pulled by the Parisians.

When it comes to blogs, I'm on one of three modes:
1) Mainly just text - get all the juicy good bits out while I'm on a roll
2) Mainly just pictures - this means we finally had a chance to download photos from the camera so now we can share
3) a full blog with both text and photos - this means I either have enough down time to do this or I can't sleep

Today is option 2 - our Normandy visit was 2 days ago, but it was a long day and so I just wanted to get the juicy bits out when we got back.  Yesterday was a full day at Disneyland Paris which left little to zero time to catch up.  Today we're about to head off to Paris to see many things.

So here are some shots from Normandy - as you will see the weather was simply perfect.

Omaha Beach

Point du Hoc

American Cemetery at Colleville


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