La Passeggiata

Today I am staying at Luisa's Bed and Breakfast all day because I am on day 2 of a nasty cold.  The kids are out with Dave going to the zoo and then to visit their cousins.  I did take a short walk to the local market this morning to get some soup, risotto and bread.  And whatever they gave me at the Farmacia yesterday is starting to kick in -- it's some strong stuff -- probably banned by the FDA.

Luisa, the owner of the B&B is an amazing woman.  When we first got here, she took us on a passeggiata, an evening stroll, showing everyone who lives in each house and briefly stopping to chat where people are sitting in front of their houses.  She knows everyone in town!

Today, Luisa takes me on an afternoon stroll to get some fresh air.  While I am disappointed I cannot join the rest of the family in the visiting and sight seeing, I am a believer that everything happens for a reason.  Luisa picks some fresh flowers and says, "Viene qui", as she walks down the beautiful pathway from the B&B to the cemetery.  As we approach the grave site of her parents, she explains her mother passed just a year ago and we discover how much we have in common.  As she places the flowers on the grave, we talk about family and life.  I explain that I was an only child until I had 2 half brothers and discovered I had a sister.  We reflect together about however your family is formed, it is family.

We walk along the same path as the first day, but in the opposite order, and it is a test of my memory to remember which cousin, uncle, brother and sister lives where.  We stop at a pond behind the house of one of her brother-in-law and it is filled with the most amazing, giant water lilies -- and a blue heron who is fishing in the pond. There is also a picnic table and a hiking trail that goes over the hill to San Zenone.  I will have to bring the kids back here.  We pass a cousin who is cleaning vegetables in the front yard.  We round the corner and pass the school and Luisa says she will be leaving to vote soon.  There is a measure to keep the local elementary school open, and everyone here is in tremendous support.

As we return to the B&B, I think about the kids and I'm hoping they are getting a chance to visit their cousins -- it's just after 3 pm and school should just be getting out here.

I am thankful for my chance to talk with Luisa about our mothers, family and life  --
ricorderĂ² sempre la passeggiata.

-Jule Rizzardo


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