Departure - A Second Attempt

Sorry that you have not heard from me, and I wish I could say it was because we were too busy. I actually posted a message two days ago, but this crappy system on board timed out on me after I finished typing and then the entire system went down. REFUND!

So, we departed from Miami - an hour late due to the most amazing thunderstorm I have ever seen - or at least in a while. Being all of two miles at best from the city skyline, at one point we couldn't even see that much. I video'd most of it, it was huge.

So we set sail for Nassau. Alyssa did pretty well, but konked out by dinner.
We are seated next to a honeymoon couple from Indiana.

Interesting twosome. The guy is shy and wont eat anything. The bride eats and eats and eats. Her name is Angie. I think his name is Carl or Chad or C---. She basically introduced herself to the waiter by saying "Can I order one of everything?" She attempted it and then told us she was still hungry. Hope that guy can live up this.
But they were nice. They have literally never been anywhere and it shows. Very naive'.

So day one wasn't too much. We had fun aboard ship. I gambled of course, no winning.
Looks like bad weather for a few days?? We'll see... or am I already seeing??

You'll have to read the next post to find out.


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